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How to Wear Contact Lens Or Softlens Properly For Beginner

This step is very important for you to know if you are a beginner, wear contact lenses properly is imperative that the eyes remain comfortable when using it. How to use it, following me explain outline once complete translation:

How to Wear Contact Lens Or Softlens Properly For Beginner

1. Hand In Case Net
2. Place one Softlens at fingertips
3. Spread eyelids
4. Flashing least 5 times

Detailed explanation of the outline above:

1. Before you contact or touching contact lenses, Pastika both hands are clean of dust and dirt by washing hands with soap alalu dry with a cloth fabric fibers do not easily fade or ending up in the hands. Why should clean? because to avoid contact lens becomes opaque and scratched if dust and fiber cloth, and anyway if the contact lens is dirty then you will not feel comfortable using it instead.
Wash hands before wearing contact lenses

2. When the hand is clean, now you take a good softlens the right or the left and place it on the tip of your fingers. Please note, if you want to install a contact lens in the right eye, then you have to put the contact lenses in the fingertips to the left and vice versa, this is your goal aga easier to put contact lenses in your eyes right.

One more for the problem fingertips, it's up to you, can use the tip of the index finger, middle or ring finger fingers adjust to the most comfortable to use.memakia safe way softlens

3. When Softlens was at the fingertips of the most comfortable for you, there saatnnya putting contact lens in the eye. Remember in step number 2, if your left hand is memenggang contact lens in the eye that will sebelak pairs of contact lenses are right. 

Now your right hand is empty and the left fingertip contact lens attached. task your right hand pull the eyelid or the lower part of the eye so that the surface of the eye becomes wider so that the contact lens can easily be in place. Slightly towards the top of your sight and put contact lenses in your eyes a little bit down the ball (black eyeball), laying softlens not necessarily just in the middle of our eyeballs, but in agakebawah part of the eyeball.
How to wear contact lens for beginners

4. After the contact lens mounted under the center of the eyeball, berkediplah slowly several times to position the contact lens located in the center of the eyeball. Perhaps for those of you who are new and beginner in contact lens wear becomes a challenge any longer without the assistance of an experienced person. But do not worry because it can really be used alone. By following the four steps above you are able to use a contact lens.
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